Sunday, March 20, 2011

Afghan's Customs

The people of Afghanistan are firm believers in the omnipresent God and follow the principles of Islam. Their customs and way of life are designed to compliment the dictates of the Prophet, location of their country and clanship, essentially in that order. They are very hospitable and loyal people, who value personal honor and responsibility as the fundamentals of social structure. They greet one another with the phrase Assalaam Alaikum, which means 'Peace be with you'. The response to the greeting is Waalaikum Assalaam, indicating unison in thought. It is not uncommon to see the highlanders walk bare-foot. It is a custom to remove footwear prior to prayers. Among the other common rules in etiquette that they follow are pointing directions with whole hand instead of one finger, a hand-shake and a pat on the back when men meet and a warm embrace and kissing thrice on alternate cheeks when women meet. Afghan society is kinship based and the traditional customs and practices, vary just a bit from one region to another.

Wazir Khan
Author and Writer of this article
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